Saturday, December 26, 2009

What color highlight goes with blackish brownish hair?

i want peek a boo highlights but what color would look awesome

i have blackish brownish hair but not too brown but not like pitch black eitherWhat color highlight goes with blackish brownish hair?
i think red would look awsome, not like clown red, but i nice dark red.

i hope that helps!What color highlight goes with blackish brownish hair?
red, blue, purple...etc. If you want to go more classy, then do a light chocolate brown, or burgandy.
NOT BRIGHT RED OR BLUE OR PURPLE Wont look that good try a Burgundy or caramel or a deep red.
you could try burgundy or dark red if your going natural but if you want really bright colors i'd try blue or purple.
dark purple streaks would look awesome or maybe a liter color of brown streaks

hope i helped! :)
maybe a red (not like fire truck red..unless thats wut your're looking for) or a rich caramel color
red would be pretty!
i'd say red. it would really show up in the sunlight

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